Monday, October 5, 2009

1 Yr Death Invitation

AGENDA for the implementation of actions to eliminate the inconveniences arising from the treatment facilities operated by the TASM

Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, Councillors, as a result of their questions in by the Board's minority groups, on issues and on the assurances given, here, by the then managing director of Villa involvement of the GC at the end of a call to for TASM compliance with the agreements made and to overcome the problematic issue to the affected area to the planting of plant species useful for mitigation, we find that as of this date, nothing has changed in the situation previously reported, nor has knowledge of measures official attesting to solutions of the problem.
mentioned and as a result of the repeated complaints of Citizens more exposed to the phenomena of bad smelling fumes, the group Consiliare Union for Binasco "suggests the assembly of groups and calls for the Board's taking on the critical situation created by their own this Agenda:

Ø the City Council took note that two years after the signing of agreements with the company TASM which provided, inter alia, the commitment, by itself, to create a barrier of trees to mitigate the plant ;
Ø considered that difficulties have arisen for the full implementation of the agreements provided for planning and, following verification techniques on the full availability of the intervention concerned ;
Ø considered that these difficulties and the consequent lengthening of the time have an impact on citizens, for their residential location, more directly experience the problem of fumes emanating from ' treatment plant;
or assessments which are necessary interventions defined decision-making in order to speed up the execution of works intended and likely to make effective action of the City;

• The Mayor to promote, within 20 October, a table with all the "players" involved in the problem to examine and concerted efforts and actions to help accelerate the resolution of the problems encountered;
• The Mayor to take any action Auditors and / or Legal in the absence of agreements signed between officials and stakeholders;
• The Mayor to report to the Conference of Heads of the results of the Group Board's initiatives.

Advisers and Lecturers signatories:

Daniela Fabbri
Joseph Vella


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