Sunday, December 20, 2009

Candy Centrepieces Toronto

Il Portico - No 3

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Full Version Of Shiny Gold

signature because the water stays Public

§ Given that the management of water service in Italy is currently regulated by the notorious Article 23a of Lg.133/2008 provided that, ordinarily, the conferral of management of public services local entrepreneurs or companies through the use of race by forced entry of large private
§  the recent Article 15 of Decree 135/2009 which amended Art. 23a moves even more decisive steps towards the privatization of water services and other public services by providing:

the expectations of the management economic importance of public services in favor of employers or companies in any shape formed identified through competitive procedures open to public, or alternatively a joint venture company with private capital, public and private not less than 40%;

the cessation of custody "in house" to fully public company, controlled by the municipalities (existing at the date of August 22, 2008) on 31 December 2011.

The undersigned citizens of Binasco convinced that:

Water is an irreplaceable source of life for ecosystems, the availability of which depends the future of living beings
Water is a common good of humanity, universal, public, not available;
The right to water is an inalienable right: the water can not be anybody's property, but a good shared equally;
Access to water should be guaranteed to all as a public service
Access to water if not dealt with democratically, in accordance with principles of fairness, justice and respect for the environment, could become a trigger of tension and conflict in the international community, becoming a true emergency democratic
Access to water, however, could also become a breeding ground for true paths of peace both at area both nationally and internationally;
consider the war for water is a dramatic epilogue, as to avoid at all costs, reaffirming that water is a universal right and not a commodity to be delivered to the free market. Water is a commodity that can not be expropriated by the control of local authorities and citizens.
Therefore, we agree on this basis, we support and endorse the proposal for a citizens' initiative petition for the modification and integration of the Charter Hall with the "Principles for the protection, the government and the public management of water and ASK that:


1) recognize Municipal Statute in its water rights, namely access to water as a human right, universal, indivisible, inalienable and status of water as a common public good;

2) recognize the integrated water service as a public service devoid of local economic importance, the management should be implemented through a public corporation, and is committed to include this principle in its Charter Hall.
3) confirms the principle of public ownership and management of integrated water services and the principle that all waters, surface and groundwater, even if not extracted from the ground, are public and are a resource to be used according to criteria of solidarity.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How To Hide Pipes With A Pedestal Sink

Why water remains a common good

GROUP Consiliare Union for BINASCO "
rejected the motion presented by the Group Council Chamber
A real coup, carried out by the majority
administrative the City Council of November 30, 2009!
The Board's meeting of Group Leaders had considered the proposed Order
day, against the privatization of water, made by the Board and groups
had reached an agreement in principle on the text to be presented in City Council
with the commitment of the members of the majority administration, to assess the
internally, the request made by the Group Union for Binasco "for editing
municipal statute, with the inclusion of the" principle of
protection to the maintenance of network and management of water resources as a public good. "
The City Council of November 30, the group Union for Binasco, "noted that,
reading the text of the Order of the proposed agenda, it eluded the request,
requested the Mayor and the majority, without appending any modification to the
proposed text, the integration dell'Odg with the commitments described below, giving reasons for the request
needs to be more generic content and more of the same binding
local level, commitments that are going to employ: I
· Place in the City Charter the principle that "water is a common heritage of mankind
and all living species and a universal human right "and that for these reasons
" water service is an essential public service, public interest and without
economic importance;
· Keep in total property and the public sphere
water management or the capital and its related services (infrastructure and services together to catch,
supply, distribution, sewerage and water treatment);
· Join the Forum Italian movements for the common good water ";
Promote an intense educational, training and public information in
on water use, for thrifty and responsible use of this resource
essential and non-eternal
To promote the return of the water in public places, creating even Binasco,
a "house of water" in order to promote a new culture and environment of '
use of this resource;
· Establish, as required by City Charter (Article 14) and the settlement of
Board's Committees (Article 1 and its subparagraphs) of the Land Commission.
· Support, decentralized cooperation and international, with coofinanziamento
projects that promote the exchange of experiences on water management.
These arguments have been requested, by the majority, the generic response,
specious and misleading, very significant commitment and responsibility that
wants to take on the subject. As proof of our statements, the "learned"
declaration of the Mayor, on the uselessness of the request to amend the statutes because
... ... so the law exceeds the contents of individual statutes. ... As if to say surrender in advance to be taken of
a battle convinced and common name and on behalf also of the communities represented
evident that in the face of an exclusionary attitude to any reasonable request to the Council Chamber Group
Union for Binasco " is no alternative but to SUBMIT
its own motion on the subject, stating the possibility of promotion, at
municipality, a petition for the submission of a petition for amending the Statute
ask citizens to support the positions and proposals of the Group Council Chamber
Union for Binasco "because they represent a real commitment and conviction to defeat the villainous
choice that the government has done and that the majority that governs our
City struggles to understand in all its gravity. In the coming days
PROMOTE a public meeting on the subject and
COMMUNICATE starting the collection of signatures in support of the petition

The Directors of the Group Council Chamber Union for Binasco "
Daniela Fabbri
Joseph Vella

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WATER: the motion of the Board for Union Binasco

Subject: Motion for the adoption and approval by the City Council, a Odg on the reaffirmation of the principle that water is a common good, inalienable heritage of humanity and living beings.

Dear Mr. Mayor, Consilieri kind, not so long ago when here, a unit, Odg approved with whom we spoke in favor of a referendum to repeal the rules of the regional laws regarding the privatization of water resources. That
our act together with that of many other municipalities and associations, demonstrated, as those feelings and the battle undertaken on the issue of protection of water resources as the common good and public, had a broad consensus among the people.
On that occasion, the unification of common concern, a common understanding and common purpose, brought the Lombardy Region to withdraw those infamous rules, allowing us to reaffirm the principle that water as a vital element can only have a public management.
Unfortunately, today, we must note, with regret, that the attacks in this good fundamental for life and survival of peoples, are beginning to appear with fury, promoting those "appetites" private law never dormant. By a vote of confidence
No. 26 in both Houses of Parliament has concluded its examination of the decree 135/09 which art. 15 marks the final and complete privatization of drinking water in Italy.
The water is not for everyone! It's now the monopoly of the private a few centers of power and, most likely
, organized crime. The last aberration of a government
bears the name of the Ronchi decree that requires the public and Local Authorities
the expropriation of a right and a common good as the water and this despite
public domain, entrusted the management of water services in recent years
private individuals, tested in some Italian provinces and at European level, have produced only a rise in rates, lower investment and
a steady increase in consumption.
This was done under the false pretext of standardizing the management of local public services
the requirements of the European Commission as it is known that there is no obligation.
We who represent the interests of our most vulnerable communities and their defense, we can not remain indifferent and thus we are required consistently to take all actions and initiatives to reject these wicked choices. Consequently
art. 23 bis of Law 133/2008 and subsequent amendments where it is expected that the contribution of water management (considered one of the economic importance of local public services) should be put to tender not later than December 31, 2010;
art. 15 of Decree 135 of September 25, 2009 ("Adjustment to the Community framework for services of local relevance economy ") which, by amending Article 23 bis of Law 133/2008, not only opens the way for the privatization of water (in fact already done with bad results in many areas of Italy), but make it compulsory.

noted that recent legislation requires the reliance on private water services through competition, providing that such shares to the public to possible joint ventures can not exceed 40%.
Since the new legislative requirements therefore cancels the margins granted to local art. 23 bis of Law n. 133/2008, which allowed management to maintain in-house in key services such as water.

also seen that:
the principle that water is a common good is enshrined in the European Water Charter (Strasbourg, May 1968);
the European Parliament, with the approval, on March 11, 2004, amendments the document "Strategies for the internal market - Priorities 2003-2006", stated that "since water is a common good of humanity, the management of water resources should not be subject to internal market rules" and therefore the management of water services can not be delegated to the market
the European Parliament resolution of 15 March 2006 that states "water as a common good of humanity" and asks that they make every effort to ensure access to water for the poorest people by 2015, insisting that "the management of water resources is based on a participatory and integrated approach, involving users and managers in policy decision-making on water at the local level and in a democratic manner ";
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and - in September 2007 - was pronounced stressing that the right is a water 'extending the right to life stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

water is a vital and common heritage of humanity and that access to water is a universal human right;
the right to water is an inalienable right of every living being and therefore the water must remain publicly owned;
the management model so far pursued, aimed to affirm the process of privatizing the management of water resources, has produced an enormous inequality in access to water and for this very reason 1.4 billion people worldwide still do not have access to a source of drinking water, and this figure is set to rise until, in 2020, 3.5 billion people who do not have the right to free access to water;
is the duty of politicians, administrators, citizens, stop the process of water privatization in place because it is a matter of civility and responsibility towards future generations;
in Italy was founded on "the movement for Italian Forum Water common good "and that is why they joined the local authorities, trade unions, and associations;
Now, therefore, the undersigned directors of the Group Council Chamber Union for Binasco claim that:
use, protect, to know and promote water as a common good, while respecting the fundamental principles of full sustainability (environmental, economic, political and institutional);
enter the City Charter the principle that "water is a common heritage of mankind and all living species and a universal human right "and that for these reasons" for water is an essential public service, general interest and has no economic significance "SEE ATTACHED PROPOSAL
maintain, given the statutory conditions, the total public sphere ownership and management of water which is the capital and its related services (infrastructure and services together to catch, supply, distribution, sewerage and water treatment);
secure access to water in the quantities and qualities needed for life, all members of the local community, in solidarity with other communities and future generations join
the Forum of the Italian movement for water common good ";
promote the most innovative forms of citizen participation in policy-water locally through the instruments of representative democracy, participatory and direct;
promote intense work of training and public information on water, educating them to the responsible use and economical of this essential resource, not eternal
promote the return of the water in public places, creating a "house of water" in order to promote a new culture of environmental and resource use.
establish, as required by the Municipal Statute (Article 14) and Regulation of the Board's Committees (Article 1 and its subsections), the Commission territory.

support, decentralized cooperation, with the co-financing of projects of cooperation and exchange of experiences between people in our communities and those of other populations, in terms of water management .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Problems With Wowogolf

"Hunger is not of this world."

day World Trade Fair dedicated to food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture

What Is A Tape Up Fade

"Water is a common good"

Below is the full text of press release on the Decree Law Legambiente who wants the privatization of local water management

Legambiente "Water is a common good"

"Water is a common good, its use must meet criteria of public benefit. Require the privatization of the water, therefore, means to take the wrong road. Most of the experiences of privatization of this service, in fact, did not lead to improving the quality of the resource, or to reduce fuel consumption and costs for citizens . So Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, national president of Legambiente said the confidence of the Government Decree on the Save-infringement containing the reform of local public services, including liberalization of the water.

"This bill is yet another attack on the local, regional and municipal - added Cogliati Dezza - who will be deprived of the opportunity to administer its own territory, even in the management of a primary good such as water, paving the way for a private speculation mainly at the expense of citizens. A decision like this, nor does it take into account the experiences of good governance, putting us all on the same floor with serious consequences for the quality of service provided to citizens. It is not clear, in fact, because public companies that still provide quality service and pricing should now be obliged to transfer substantial shares of the company to private management or even entrust again to others. "

"push ahead with privatization means that within the next fifteen years 65% of the water service in Europe and North America will be run by only three multinational corporations. The regulatory measures that are needed to restore our country throughout the national service water efficiently and avoid speculation and economic inefficiency others have concluded-Cogliati Dezza -. It should indeed find innovative ways to become involved in local communities participation in the management of water services, for monitoring the implementation of a transparent and fair exercise, in terms of social, environmental and economic. On these aspects would be essential to take decisions on time and according to different territorial needs and not general, as proposed by the law in question, to avoid cases of mismanagement or the prevalence of the logic of profit at the expense of quality of service and resource such as water leaks and lack of investment. "

The Press Legambiente 06 86268353-99 - 76 to 60

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wire Light Switch From Receptacle

Primary PD: results of Binasco

Voters 304

National Secretary
Bersani 138
Franceschini 112 *
Marino 52

white one - no one

* Franceschini for the list votes are divided as follows: 84 for Democrats Franceschini, just 26 Democrats, 2 unallocated.

Regional Secretary
Martina (Bersani) 146
Fiano (Franceschini) 97
Angiolini (Marino) 58

white 3

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Waterproof Gloves For Pool Cleaners

House Plan: Daniela Fabbri's intervention in the Council Municipal

We got to know on Monday, during the conference of leaders, the approach that this administration wanted to give the management of the regional law 13. Take note of apology from the parent Rognoni, who has taken personal responsibility in this meeting of the group leaders so close to the City Council. We see this as an important act in terms of proper management of relations between the reality that sit in the City Council, especially since the assumption of responsibility is followed by a clear commitment of the Adviser Rognoni to intensify these moments of confrontation, giving us all directors, both majority and minority, the opportunity to participate in a constructive manner to important decisions.

We all know that the City Council is only a moment of ratification of the acts and decisions already taken, so we can not but be favorable to all the opportunities to meet and share there may be, and continue and continue to demand that they become a positive habit of this administration, even with the requirement of certain parts of the majority, not having a decision-making role, as we are often ill-informed and less involved.

The time available has not allowed us to venture much of the analysis, and on time devoted to developing integrative elements and improvements. Let's say right away that we consider the positive choice to intervene with a regulation that takes into account the specificities of our region and that is effectively limited in comparison to the possibilities provided by regional law. The housing plan, that the intention of the Government which had promoted mainly intended to restart the housing market, it can not be the pick for action to denature territorial delicate like ours. Right then the choice of tying all the old town, to limit the intervention within the existing template for much part of the area near the center, to make the possibility of extending the provision of two parking spaces, not to allow demolition and reconstruction activities of the 30% increase in volume even in areas B2 and C.

But there are some actions that we regard as better than the resolution was presented and we intend to bring to the attention of the Council for their insertion in the text:

1) We ask to be excluded from the opportunities provided by law, regardless of from the area in which they are inserted, the interventions to be made (or to meet the requirement of parking, or the minimum limits of the adjoining property) tombinatura requiring or in any other way to use irrigation ditches or other watercourses.

2) that the possibilities for increasing the volume and / or demolition and reconstruction of the structure in question is subject The connection to the sewerage system.

3) instruments which are provided compensation, so in view of the possible increase in the total volume is built by, for example a park, or in any area of \u200b\u200bplanting.

4), in which the law provides that the expansions are carried out taking into account the rules on the energy content, we ask that this resolution is done by implementing provisions of a document that specifies what kind of in a timely manner documentation must be provided, requiring not only the formal declaration of the project on reducing energy consumption, but also technical specifications of materials used for insulation, heating equipment (boilers, burners, and emission control systems), the notification of the date of installation of insulation materials to enable effective control of the Technical Bureau for actual use of technologies to enable energy saving.

We therefore ask that the meeting be briefly adjourned to allow the mayor, alderman and competent group leaders to discuss the possibility of integrating the decision in the proposals we have now presented. The

Our vote, which could be beneficial at the time, you will still be subject also to acceptance of these proposals. Which demonstrates that, even if it were needed, that this minority has always been interested in the perspective of common sense and detection of acts, measures, policies that maximize the positive impact on our community. Without ruling positions and wants to oppose for the sake of opposition, but evaluating each case and with a great sense of responsibility.
October 14, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Messed Up Pineus Movie

October 25 - The primary Binasco

Monday, October 5, 2009

1 Yr Death Invitation

AGENDA for the implementation of actions to eliminate the inconveniences arising from the treatment facilities operated by the TASM

Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, Councillors, as a result of their questions in by the Board's minority groups, on issues and on the assurances given, here, by the then managing director of Villa involvement of the GC at the end of a call to for TASM compliance with the agreements made and to overcome the problematic issue to the affected area to the planting of plant species useful for mitigation, we find that as of this date, nothing has changed in the situation previously reported, nor has knowledge of measures official attesting to solutions of the problem.
mentioned and as a result of the repeated complaints of Citizens more exposed to the phenomena of bad smelling fumes, the group Consiliare Union for Binasco "suggests the assembly of groups and calls for the Board's taking on the critical situation created by their own this Agenda:

Ø the City Council took note that two years after the signing of agreements with the company TASM which provided, inter alia, the commitment, by itself, to create a barrier of trees to mitigate the plant ;
Ø considered that difficulties have arisen for the full implementation of the agreements provided for planning and, following verification techniques on the full availability of the intervention concerned ;
Ø considered that these difficulties and the consequent lengthening of the time have an impact on citizens, for their residential location, more directly experience the problem of fumes emanating from ' treatment plant;
or assessments which are necessary interventions defined decision-making in order to speed up the execution of works intended and likely to make effective action of the City;

• The Mayor to promote, within 20 October, a table with all the "players" involved in the problem to examine and concerted efforts and actions to help accelerate the resolution of the problems encountered;
• The Mayor to take any action Auditors and / or Legal in the absence of agreements signed between officials and stakeholders;
• The Mayor to report to the Conference of Heads of the results of the Group Board's initiatives.

Advisers and Lecturers signatories:

Daniela Fabbri
Joseph Vella

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pokemon Leaf Green Rom Hacking


I have a new blog in Italian language.

If you want to have your address is please leave a message.

not address the audience, because there are those who will not stop stalking. I again invite this person to continue his journey in peace.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do Acrylic Paintings Last

A Binasco wins Penati

These are the results of the runoff on June 21 to 22 of the Provincial Binasco

Filippo Penati 1,306 votes

Guido Podesta 1240 votes

Voters 2610 49.6% of claimants.

The local data is very positive. While the final outcome of the Provincial has not given us reason for a handful of votes, we note with satisfaction that Binasco exists a good basis for citizens to share the way for the construction of a reformist party stronger and stronger. A party that knows how to look ahead with hope and enthusiasm, without resorting to the fear of citizens. A Democratic party, proud of its ideas, its core values. Which is able Energy and drive altruism and solidarity as well as selfishness and others bunched up on the closure.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Stomach Virus Lasted For Weeks


friends, friends, I'm thinking of closing this blog, because I can not get rid of the checkers that you know .

I have no intention of disappearing from the blogosphere in Italian. I simply want to permanently remove from my life a zombie, a vampire, make sure you lose my tracks.

I think I have the email address of all or most of the regular readers of this blog, but if not, please leave a comment. I promise not to leave you prey to spammers or neither zombies ( time, however, Mademoiselle will not bother you, just me ).

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Vive la France! (Et aussi lives free)

back a few days of vacation (3 nights for the truth) shared with my wife, had passed between the coast of the Var and Alpes de Haute Provence. Well, one of my most pleasant memories that will stay in mind, it will be obvious, natural, and the ubiquity of the free administration of tap water in restaurants and local Provencal. We imitate this habit here in Italy?

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Censorship Law - the loneliness of Paul Barnard d in front of the rubber wall of the fourth power

Dear friends pledged to give a touch of decency in our country, here is a form of censorship in the information which is never discussed. It 's the worst, because it does not come from the front system, but it takes a journalist behind. The result is that the silence and without the support of public indignation, we can not defend. This complaint is actually crippling the work of denunciation of the misdeeds, both Italian and international part of many journalists 'outside the box'.

It is, in short, the abandonment in which our publishers often cast the first occurrence of litigation arising in our investigations 'uncomfortable'. How it works and how dangerous this phenomenon for the freedom of information, I will quote illustrate my case.

This is a phenomenon with wide and serious implications for the Italian civil society, so please carefully read and understand the short story.

Report for the transmission of Milena Gabanelli, giving everything I've worked myself from the minute it is put on the air in 1994, I had among other criminal investigations against the practice of pharmaceutical comparaggio, transmitted on 11 / 10/2001 ("Little Pharma & Big Pharma"). Col comparaggio (art.170 more offense from public security), some pharmaceutical companies are trying to bribe doctors with gifts and luxury services to exotic places to obtain more prescriptions for their drugs, and this is obviously very serious effects on the community (the prof. Silvio Garattini, said: "From 30 to 50% of medicines prescribed unnecessary") and often also on our health (one of many examples is the drug Vioxx, prescribed to plunder and to which they were awarded from 35 to 55,000 deaths in the U.S. alone).

The investigation was deemed so essential for the public interest that the RAI said the 15/2/2003.

For the investigation I, RAI and Milena Gabanelli we were sued on 11/16/2004 (1) by an informant who was retained pharmaceutical damaged by the revelations made by us.

The work was thoroughly reviewed by one of the most senior lawyers before the RAI broadcast, which had given its full approval.

Ok, we're in trouble and dragged to court. For 10 years I had Milena Gabanelli assured that in these cases, I (like other editors) would have been defended by the RAI, and therefore not to worry (2). The disruptive nature of our investigation justify my concern. I trust him, and for years I do not spared the risks.

When the subpoena, RAI and Milena Gabanelli leave me to my fate. I will not be defended at all, I'll have to arrange. The Gabanelli will instead be widely defended by one of the most prestigious law firms in Rome, the RAI in defending this litigation. (3) But not only.

The defensive line of the company in Viale Mazzini and Milena Gabanelli will ask the courts to charge me and only me (sic) any wrongdoing, and therefore any compensation in the event of an adverse ruling. (4)
And this for an investigation of public interest from their (RAI-Gabanelli) ordered, approved, circulated and replicated
.* * (RAI can technically do this by virtue of a clause in the contracts that we are forced employees to sign to work, the indemnity clauses (5), which is enshrined in the uprising of the publisher from any liability that may be contested because of our work. We journalists have no choice, we must sign it under penalty of loss of employment commissionatoci, but as I said the agreement with Milena Gabanelli was morally quite different, nor is it morally giusificabile the work of the RAI in these cases).

'm baffled. But how? I work for RAI and Report for 10 years, body and soul with the firm of Gabanelli, do an investigation in this case that the RAI itself performs as exemplary, and now in times of need I turn away with absolute indifference. And not only compact working against me.
The prospect of having to pay legal fees for years, and if convicted of having to pay four or five digits to zeros in compensation, I was anxious, because they are not wealthy and risk of loss that I can not afford.

But there is no limit for the worst. On October 18, 2005 I received a letter. I open it. It 'an act of formal notice of the RAI against me. It means that RAI will fall back on me when we lost the case. The text reads: "This is so formal as formal notice of Dr. Paul Barnard for all that the spa would have to pay RAI as a result of any acceptance of mail from Dr. domada. Xxxx (who sued us, nda) against the same RAI. "(6)

In reading the recommended felt a pain dense unbelief.

Interpello Gabanelli Milena, who declares himself out of it. I urge you to intervene at the RAI, and perhaps even publicly, about that story. After a few weeks and confronted by the evidence, the Gabanelli try to reassure by saying that "the revenge that will had been made (by RAI against me, NDA) was left to die in court ... court is due to a letter, but that will be left to die in the trial in progress .. . will all end in nothing. "(7)

it will not, and it is not so today: legally speaking, the act of formal notice is still valid, and how. Not only that, Milena Gabanelli has never taken a public stand against that act, nor has it ever deviated from the line of defense of the RAI which is entirely against me, as described above, and as evidenced by recent acts of the process. ( 8) Do not

I dwell. At the time of these events I had just left Reports, but I have also left the RAI. There will never be investigated by the issuer of state signed me, and I no longer trust any publisher. I can not afford to lose the only home I own, or to see my freelance income decimated by the uncertain legal costs, because abandoned myself to those that boast of my investigations 'brave'. This is not my lack of courage and realism and a sense of responsibility especially my loved ones.

So my voice of inquiry has been silenced. And here I come to the crucial point: we are already abandoned and silenced many colleagues in this way.

Here's how the true disappearance of the facts, "what you do not know, now widespread, the one where you used to silence, instead of 'edicts Bulgarians', the courts in fact in collusion with the behavior of those whom you fidavi; conduct technically flawless, but far less morally.

This is censorship against the tenacity and courage of the few journalists still willing to tell the truth, made by anyone caught in the underworld, carried by them by means of legal threats and in fact allowed by the conduct of publishers.

Publishers must protect their journalists who are at risk for the public interest, and must undertake to remove clauses from the contracts of indemnity, I repeat, we are obliged to sign to work.

fact, today in Italy are the lawyers of the ruffians, and the legal affairs office of the media, in fact, decide what you will come to know, just playing on the fears of many journalists who risked ruining their families if they tell the truth .

This gag has and will increasingly paralyzing power on the complaint of the Italian misdeeds in the press or television, much higher than that of any political or servant of the system.

I can only ask you to spread with all the energy possible this reality, via mailing lists, websites, blogs, talking about it. But even more is my heartfelt appeal to you not to underestimate.

Finally. It 'very likely that I will sue RAI and the lady Gabanelli to my cry of alarm, and this will not be pleasant for me.

They gagged my professional freedom, but not gag never my conscience, because what I'm doing in these lines is to tell the truth for the good of all. I just hope that it serves.

Thanks for giving me the bed.

Paul Barnard


1) Civil Court of Rome, Summons, 31095, Rome, 10/11/2004.
2) Made on which I have a witness ready to confirm it.
3) In the book "Investigation Report" (BUR Rizzoli, 2006) Gabanelli heroically Milena says: "... behind us there is a company that protects you from lawsuits." I note that the prestigious law firm of Prof. Andrea Di Porto, Professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza, defended in this trial is that the RAI Milena Gabanelli. But not me.
4) Ordinary Court of Rome, the Civil Chamber, Dr. OJ. Rizzo-RGN 83757/2004, Rome 06.30.2005: "For all the arguments of the Italian Television RAI-Spa and Dr. Milena Gabanelli ask the court to Illustrious should: ... to charge dr. Paul Barnard any damages accordingly ...".
5) An example of such a clause taken from my contract with RAI: \u200b\u200b"You are as entitled ... RAI will release from all liability in this regard also require to keep us free from all charges of any kind to us that might arise by reason of this Agreement, with particular reference to those of a law or a court. "
6) AR Registered No. 12737143222 -9, act of formal notice by the Law Firm on behalf of RAI Di Porto against Paul Barnard, Rome, 03.10.2005.
7) by Milena Gabanelli Email to Paul Barnard, 15.11.2005, 09:39: 18
8) Rome Civil Court, First Section, Judgement 10784 No 5876 Chronological, 18/5/2007: "The defendant also insisted Gabanelli RAI-in requests in the notes of 30/6/2005 ...". (See note 4)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wisdom Teeth And Ear Infection

colors (again, forever)

Malabrigo Sock Yarn , colors Solis and Turner. Waiting to tell me what they want to become great. In the meantime, I make my heart leap with joy.

Let me point out a blog that touches me: Posie Gets Cozy , particularly this message. I admire the art of Alicia, although its sensitivity is very different from mine. I admire especially son art de vivre . The combination

curry / blue color: brilliant. Maybe for a second Ishbel shawl, shawl or a first Simple But Effective .

We make the bridge the next two weekends (Memorial Day and Shavuot), and I am going to improve mon art de vivre à moi , always in a state vergognosissimo, to be honest, after my many years of depression. The work is hard and painful promises. Will I need your good order, your good wishes.

Everyone (including me), a weekend under the sign of colors of do, the transformation ! * Kiss *

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Il Portico - n2

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Clothesline For Decorating

Thoughts Humor

  • O constant reader / assiduous reader of Vienna: Who are you? I'd like to meet you, make two (even three) talk. Come, courage: Let a comment!
  • I go to the gym after having slept well, after eating enough protein, and I'm surprised that exercise (especially lifting weights) to be particularly well. I told you: I am dumb .
  • I had a facelift to my blog franco-inglese/anglo-francese (a draft of a blog more than anything else). I do not put a link here because there are those who insist on blog-tailed , but if interests you, let me know.
  • I have not planned my trip to Italy, because asthma and allergies. I'm very better, but I'm afraid of the heat and the AFA in Italy, where there is little air conditioning. As soon as I shall see the allergist will take a decision. (I'm afraid even to wait for the autumn, because the risk of not having a job, given the current economic conditions.)
  • At first (I had written here), I pursued this song ; in the early months of this ' years touched the smooth George, now the song that follows me heels. Boh, songs are more gentle and positive, no?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How To Wash A Duffel Bag


I like that in German, Lust means "joy", "joy," "desire," while this beautiful word in English is smeared with guilt, of "sin."

Right now I have a lot Lust of yarn to knit, after several months almost. After returning from Berlin (where I was fine, this I know), I felt deeply the futility, the squalor of my work, and not by chance that I had an asthma attack for the first time in almost ten years ( followed by a second attack a few weeks ago.)

Mo 'resumed I knitted, and I feel better. I think, for me, just that it is the tricottaggio to bring well-being-not only the manual activity, but contact with the color, with soft fibers (or rough, slippery or they may be). The color and the concreteness, for me, I'm powerful.

Soon, I hope, I'll have a little something to show you. And I'm wrong, or is just magnificent this scarf? I have a crazy Lust for Tapestry Rowan!

I wish you a weekend under the banner of Lust, in every sense! * Kiss *

Monday, May 11, 2009

Can I Bring Coca Tea To The Usa

A former colleague has made me very badly, inflicting sexual harassment (verbal, psychological), trying at all costs to to share gossip ( that I do not like that are part of Lashon hara), making mischief and various continuing.

My depression has worsened and my asthma is due to the violence erupted.

I'm not sure, but I think this person quite often visit my blog.

I'm not interested bitterness, the taunts, the insults, because over time, I realized that this unfortunate is bad, very bad. But I would not go over this blog and my other sites ouëb. At this time I do a clean sweep of all that tight, brakes, obstructions. I do not need in my life.

I wish you love, wealth, success, and the free. That continue his journey in peace.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kate Playground Washing Car

I'm not dead yet! Click

So, seriously, last week I failed to wish you for the weekend. Helas.

I decided, though, that would not have fallen on me the vengeance of heaven, and that I would have forgiven him.

I think, I hope (touch wood) that the worst has passed asthma, an allergist with new, young and brilliant. I'm always tired, but I enjoyed a world in Boston last weekend, where I have not failed to offer me see that beautiful yarn: Berroco Jasper , color Mochica Blue or (where I bought myself) Denim (then the song).

With it I will make a scarf to match with my shearling coat (also called shearling vegetarian ... false), perhaps following this recipe or perhaps imitating the famous Jared ( HOLY NOW! ) accomplishing it in the simplest way there is .

I have a great desire for simplicity in this moment!

Miracle of the week: I went last Wednesday to me removing the wisdom teeth ... but the surgeon decided to leave him alone! (In one case, the tooth is sitting quiet quiet and does not create problems; another, a pass between the nerve root, then this entails too many risks.)

I want to say: Thank goodness!

And then, a girl I know only virtually (for now) invited me spontaneously to stay at his home in Moscow, if you ever need to search for the project that is close to my heart . Imagine!

hope now to you, without missing a weekend full of miracles, colors and generosity. * Kiss *

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fake Dolce And Gabbana Sneakers

A good advice, do not you think? I offer it to me, this manifesto.

("The original" also has its merits.)

The song has little to do (even if it is a Monsù things, the ago!) but I did not know that is dear and was found at goear.

* kisses *

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Brown Mucus Discharge When Period Due

Summer will

Once again failing with you, having failed to make the customary greeting for the weekend. Excuse: It's a horrible year for someone like me, suffer from asthma and allergies.

(From the psychological point of view I'm not bad, but are physically worn out by constant stress at "work". They agree, moreover, my doctors.)

I hope that your weekend was nice and bright!

A particular thought to those who are not good and who takes the suffering.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baby Shower Letters To A Best Friend

Because I like to dream