Sunday, December 13, 2009

Full Version Of Shiny Gold

signature because the water stays Public

§ Given that the management of water service in Italy is currently regulated by the notorious Article 23a of Lg.133/2008 provided that, ordinarily, the conferral of management of public services local entrepreneurs or companies through the use of race by forced entry of large private
§  the recent Article 15 of Decree 135/2009 which amended Art. 23a moves even more decisive steps towards the privatization of water services and other public services by providing:

the expectations of the management economic importance of public services in favor of employers or companies in any shape formed identified through competitive procedures open to public, or alternatively a joint venture company with private capital, public and private not less than 40%;

the cessation of custody "in house" to fully public company, controlled by the municipalities (existing at the date of August 22, 2008) on 31 December 2011.

The undersigned citizens of Binasco convinced that:

Water is an irreplaceable source of life for ecosystems, the availability of which depends the future of living beings
Water is a common good of humanity, universal, public, not available;
The right to water is an inalienable right: the water can not be anybody's property, but a good shared equally;
Access to water should be guaranteed to all as a public service
Access to water if not dealt with democratically, in accordance with principles of fairness, justice and respect for the environment, could become a trigger of tension and conflict in the international community, becoming a true emergency democratic
Access to water, however, could also become a breeding ground for true paths of peace both at area both nationally and internationally;
consider the war for water is a dramatic epilogue, as to avoid at all costs, reaffirming that water is a universal right and not a commodity to be delivered to the free market. Water is a commodity that can not be expropriated by the control of local authorities and citizens.
Therefore, we agree on this basis, we support and endorse the proposal for a citizens' initiative petition for the modification and integration of the Charter Hall with the "Principles for the protection, the government and the public management of water and ASK that:


1) recognize Municipal Statute in its water rights, namely access to water as a human right, universal, indivisible, inalienable and status of water as a common public good;

2) recognize the integrated water service as a public service devoid of local economic importance, the management should be implemented through a public corporation, and is committed to include this principle in its Charter Hall.
3) confirms the principle of public ownership and management of integrated water services and the principle that all waters, surface and groundwater, even if not extracted from the ground, are public and are a resource to be used according to criteria of solidarity.


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